lördag 23 maj 2009

Honest scrap X3

I got a cute award from Metal_Minish (nerdscrap.blogspot.com)!!

A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

Aaaalright~~ Here we go.. I'll try to make this at least somewhat interesting..

1) I to draw. It's the biggest passion in my life.

2) I'm afraid of irons.

3) I believe in God. (I do not believe in Jesus (so, does that make me a Christian or not?))

4) Mentally; I'm a 40years-old stuck in a 20-years-old body XD

5) I hate to lose. (and, I can be pretty bad about it..)

6) I -honestly- cannot hold a grudge.

7) I love to cosplay.

8) I love nerds. Yes, tall, scrawney guys with big noses and think glasses are just the way I want my boy to look like (how funny it is then that my BF's well built, good looking and has perfect eyesight XD)

9) I love attention..

10) I can be very "motherly" (naggy? bossy?) sometimes... Sorry.. -___-'' I mean well...

Oh, and which people to pass the award on to? My oh. my.. I don't know very many scrap-blog-people, sorry X/

Well, back to Metal_Minish, my dear partner in scrap. Teru always inspires me <3>
And, Linda. She has the cutest LO's, and I want a pug myself sooo~ bad!
And, Maria, which I found just yesterday. Her birds make me smile ^^
And, Nina, whose cards are just too damn cute!! x3
Other than that, I can't think of anyone.. sorry :C
Other than that.. sorry, I don't know ^^;

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